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  1. Aiden

    Dragon Conversion Wishlist

    To try and explain this a little more, NPC dragons and player dragons share a difference in their rigs that stops NPC ones from being rideable. The player dragon rigs have a mount bone - a joint on the rig that tells the game where on the model to attach the player's character to when riding...
  2. Aiden

    Dragon Conversion Wishlist

    Unfortunately, that's not possible to have as a player dragon right now. In order for a dragon to be usable by the player, it's rig needs a specific node on it where the player gets attached to when you mount it. Most npcs/boss rigs do not have this node, and we can't change it and get it...
  3. Aiden

    Dragon Conversion Wishlist

    This guy should work since it shares an existing model that is mountable.
  4. Aiden

    Suggestion Expansion of Dragon spawn/search methods.

    For the love of god, yes. I hate how long the cooldowns are on flutes, in addition to the fact that using one flute puts ALL flutes on cooldown. I get this is probably set this way to prevent people from spamming flutes (which would have been problematic back in the days when flutes were...
  5. Aiden

    Suggestion Cutting Back on the RNG / Micro-Transactions

    As much as I enjoyed this game in the past, coming back to it and having to deal with some of this game's many issues again has reminded me about one of the things that was so off-putting to alot people : over-used amounts of RNG in the game, that are more often than not, also paired with...
  6. Aiden

    Suggestion Other means to care for Dragon Eggs

    Standing around for hours on end in an egg circle just waiting and hoping that your egg gets enough cares to reach max stats just simply isn't enjoyable. You can't really play the game when yer stuck holding eggs, which in turn detracts from the overall enjoyment of the game. The situation...

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